UKID Incident Reporting UKID Incident Report FormWe're sorry that you were a victim of a crime. Please report it here so that we can track patterns and prosecute criminals. Full Name Email Address Phone Number Incident LocationNearest corner or address (house number and street) When did the incident happen?If you are unsure of the exact time, select a time in the middle of the period in which you thought it happened What was the offense? Choose ReasonMalicious Injury To PropertyTheftTheft Out Of Motor VehicleTrespassingHousebreakingKidnappingHijackingMugging / RobberyAssaultOther Incident Reported To SAPS SAPS CAS Number Briefly describe what happenedOne sentence is enough Weapons InvolvedHold down the Ctrl key to select multiple options if nessesary GunKnifeStick / Club / Blunt Object